Sunday, July 19, 2009

Getting ready to move...YET AGAIN

Well the time has almost come again...moving time. 2 weeks and still havent packed anything. I dread packing, so Im pushing it off til the very last second possible. Aside from packing, Ill be pretty busy until I leave. Will be working 3-10p all this week. Im pretty excited. I mean its nothing big and not making that much doing it...but it will put an extra 200bucks in my very empty pocket. Then there is a dance, water activity, boating...and hanging out with all my friends that I will soon be leaving. OH..and the most important part...getting all the sun I can. Need to darken up this tan a bit before I leave since wont be seeing much of the sun when I get home. I am very excited to be getting home though. No one thought I would last as long as I did. I miss all my family and friends so Im rather excited to be moving home. I get back on Aug 4th...and gonna play with all my nephews that first week. Then onto the job hunt. Will need a job asap once I get back. Im gonna look for something closer to home. I hate commuting to think of all the money you can save if you work close to where you live. :) Gonna be meeting with an employment agency in Renton when I get back. So hopefully something pans out with them. I need some sort of income. I hate not having money. Not being able to go out. Having such a tight budget. It SUCKS. But it has been good for me. Its taught me a lot about living within your means and getting only the necessity. So that has been good. More to come on the adventure that is my life.

1 comment:

  1. I'll have you know that it's been pretty warm up here lately! =)
    Reading that you're going to a dance really made me miss the days when I went to dances with you!!!!!!!!! Awe, we are gonna have to get together and do something super fun!!!! I know! Josh's grandma has property on a lake and she just got a jet ski, we will totally have to go up there and have some fun! And make Rachel come along. I can't wait!!!! I LOVE YOU JEN! See you very soon!

    Oh and I hate moving too. I love a new start, but the packing and cleaning and up packing... no thank you
