Sunday, July 19, 2009

Getting ready to move...YET AGAIN

Well the time has almost come again...moving time. 2 weeks and still havent packed anything. I dread packing, so Im pushing it off til the very last second possible. Aside from packing, Ill be pretty busy until I leave. Will be working 3-10p all this week. Im pretty excited. I mean its nothing big and not making that much doing it...but it will put an extra 200bucks in my very empty pocket. Then there is a dance, water activity, boating...and hanging out with all my friends that I will soon be leaving. OH..and the most important part...getting all the sun I can. Need to darken up this tan a bit before I leave since wont be seeing much of the sun when I get home. I am very excited to be getting home though. No one thought I would last as long as I did. I miss all my family and friends so Im rather excited to be moving home. I get back on Aug 4th...and gonna play with all my nephews that first week. Then onto the job hunt. Will need a job asap once I get back. Im gonna look for something closer to home. I hate commuting to think of all the money you can save if you work close to where you live. :) Gonna be meeting with an employment agency in Renton when I get back. So hopefully something pans out with them. I need some sort of income. I hate not having money. Not being able to go out. Having such a tight budget. It SUCKS. But it has been good for me. Its taught me a lot about living within your means and getting only the necessity. So that has been good. More to come on the adventure that is my life.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


So I have been thinking a lot about life and where I am to go...and today at church I really had the feeling that I needed to serve a mission. I have been thinking a lot about that in recent years, but it was not an option financially. But in recent months everything has fallen into place where I could serve a mission. Im thinking Ill move home in Aug and find a job and work my tail off to save enough money to go. I still have a lot of praying to do, but really feel at this point in my life...what else is there to do.

Serious Thoughts

So I'm having serious thoughts about going on a mission. Just everything in my life seems to be pointing that way. I'm torn...I want to go, but I feel I'm too old to go. By time I got back I would be like 29 almost. But I still have this strong pull towards going. I guess a lot of prayer is going to be done the next little while.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Homeward Bound

So its official. Im moving back to Kent. Probably around the first of Aug. Im happy and sad all at the same time. I have made such wonderful friends here that it will be hard to leave them. The ward here is amazing and the people are all such righteous influences on my life. So that will be hard to leave. But it will be good to be around my family. It really is hard to leave home. I guess if I had a family of my own it would be a little easier to be away, but I dont, so it is hard. I love my family so much. All my nephews. Its hard. So in that sense im happy ill be goin back home. Ill see what life has in store for me back home.