Friday, June 26, 2009


I guess now that Im at a point in my life where I literally have nothing, Ive been doing a lot of reflection on my life. Things I regret. Things Ive done. Experienced. I have to say Ive lived a good life so far. There is not much I wish I had of done or wished I didnt do. I guess every experience is there for the learning and growing. One thing I have learned the last few months is how important family is. There is nothing in the world more important than your family. They are the only ones who will stand by you through everything and will be there to pick you up when you fall. I would seriously be on the streets if I didnt have such a loving and caring family. I owe them my life.

If I cannot find a job by Aug 10, Ill be moving back home to Seattle...and I think Im ok with that. Whether I stay here in Austin or go back to Seattle...I will be ok. There are many good things about Austin and good things about Seattle. Im very in the middle right now with my true feelings on it. And its stupid to be going back and forth on such a mundane thing, but Im very full of mixed emotions with everything going on in my life. Honestly I never thought I would be where I am. We all grow up with this plan...this perfect plan of how our life is supposed to turn out and when it doesnt...we kinda get lost a little. We have to re-evaluate our goals and expectations of ourselves. Its scarey, being somewhere you never planned. I am handling it the best I can. Still pushing forward. Maybe taking a few steps backwards here and there, but still moving forward.

1 comment:

  1. Honey It will get better just keep going. Believe me my life has more often then, not been totaly on track . You just have to keep going! Believe me I never thought I'd be married already haveing two kids and stuff. Just lean on people who love you and stay true to the church and it will work out. Besides having a husband isn't all it apears to be lol...Do what sister oaks said do what is right for you and the rest will follow. Remeber we love you no matter what....
