Thursday, November 18, 2010

Catch UP

So I guess I should write a little bit about what has been going on in my life. It has been a very long time. Well last time I wrote anything I was living in Austin Texas. Since then I moved back home to Kent. I love every minute I was in Austin. It was a great place and I made some great friends. I never found a job and never had anything huge happen to me in my life, so Im still trying to figure out what I was down there for. But everything happens for a reason I always say. While I was in Texas I reconnected with an old friend via FB. He was my families home teacher when I was in high school. He was married and new to the ward. I had a little school girl crush on him. He was like the un-attainable man. Married, unavailable. Well it just so happens he got a divorce 2 years ago. He arranged to pick me up from the airport the night I flew home. And he's been around ever since.
We moved down to Eugene at the end of October of last year. It was def a change. Not so much with the weather, but the people. It is a lot slower and smaller here then the Seattle area. It takes literally 5-10 mins to get anywhere in this town. The speed limits on the freeways are only 55mph and everyone insists on going 10 below that. You can def get a little road rage if you arent used to it. Sketch is loving his new job with Pipeworks. We have made some incredible friends here. Its awesome to have a great group of friends who are all in the same point in their life. We only have a few single friends. Everyone else is married. Its great.
It took me forever to find a job here. I went on SO many interviews and applied at more places than I can remember. Thankfully in Sept I got hired with Engelmann-Becker in downtown Eugene. I am the receptionist and have a good group of people that I work with. I got the job through the wife of Sketch's co-worker. I am very glad to be working again. It has been a long long time. It has taken a while getting used to working and being busy all day. But lately I havent been quite as tired at work. Ill only be working for about 2 more years. Once Sketch and I have children I will take on my 'real' job as a stay at home mommie. Yes...I will be a professional SAHM. I am so excited. We are probably gonna wait 6-12 months after we get married to start having kids.
Wedding plans are going well. Sketch proposed in Feb and I was immediately in planning mode. Got a nice wedding planning book and everything. I didnt think it was going to take me as long as it did to find a job. So initially we were planning for a 10k wedding in WA. Was going to be nice and big and fancy with all our friends around. went to a small intimate ceremony with just family and a big reception at the church building. Then...a big ceremony and reception at an outdoor location in Kent. And is a ceremony with just family and close friends at The Beacon House here in Eugene, OR. We arent planning a reception. We decided we didnt want to spend a ton of money on 1-day of celebrating. We even talked eloping at one point. But we really want our family here and want some nice pictures. So we are doing a very nice ceremony with me in a fancy dress and Sketch all dressed up. We arent having a wedding party since we are making them come down here for the ceremony. It will just be my dad walking me down the aisle. It will be all about me and Sketch.
I think that is about it. Of course other things have happened, but this is probably the gist of it all.